Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stressed-Less Living!

Now that I am done with teaching for my 5th school year I am excited to really dig into an online bible study I have been apart of entitled "Stressed-Less Living" based on a book written by Tracie Miles.
Stress has been a major part of my life for the past five years and I am learning spiritual tips to help me battle stress and anxiety.
At this point we are on week nine of the study and I have had ups and downs, there are times where I love this book and there are other times where the things being dicussed hit so close to home that I really feel as though I dont like this study at all.
Some things I have taken away so far...
1. I cannot live my life without God at the center...I have tried this year to make decisions on my own, or based soley on my feelings and it ends up being an utter disaster. I am not strong enough, smart enough or capable to do things on my own.
2. I have allowed stress into my life and I need to make the choice to eliminate stress. I am constantly on the go go go...i never stop and I really need to just take time for God, my family and myself.
3. I cant worry about making others happy...I am not ever going to be successful at this. I need to realize that although I love making others happy, I have to do my best at making the right choices regardless of whether or not it will make others happy or not. This doesnt mean I disregard others feelings, but I cannot base my happiness on whether or not others are happy. I can only make choices for me...I cannot control the choices others make.

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