Saturday, July 27, 2013


So much change is going on in my life right now. Just a month in a half ago I made the choice after much prayer, and discussion with my husband to accept a job across the country that will bring us closer to family. At the time of the decision it was very hard to make...I really wanted to make sure this was God's will and not my own emotions making the decision. Up until the job was offered to me I had not made up my mind but I vividly remember when the superintendent called me to say she wanted to offer me a job at Mason City Schools my responses was YES!. In that moment I felt confident that this was what God wanted me to do.

In a very short period of time many decisions have been made, many changes going on. And boy has the devil been trying to derail me, to make me question myself and the choices I have made. I have experience extreme anxiety and fear. So in this weeks lesson when asked to use God's word to pray for a specific situation I chose "change" and "worry". These are my prayers:

Dear Lord help me to stop being in constant worry about life, work, money, marriage, etc. You state in Matthew 6:25-27 "Doesn't God take care of the birds? Are you not much more valuable than they?" Remind me to look at the birds and not worry so much. Amen.

Dear Lord you state that change can be good in Jeremiah 7:5 you state "If we truly change our ways we can live int eh promised land." In Matthew 18:3 "For those who change and humble themselves is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Help the anxiety I feel over the change going on in my life to diminish and to focus on your great plan for my life. Amen.

Although change brings about worry, I am excited about the adventure I am about to go on, and the things God will do through and in my life according to His great plan.


  1. Mindy, any kind of move is stressful, let alone one across the country! What great news to be able to move back closer to your family. Blessings and prayers for the stress and anxiety to ease!

    Kris Danko (OBS Small Group Leader)

  2. Beautiful. Praying for your move. So glad God answered your prayers - be gone Satan. God gave her this job and He will be in this move. Hugs. Debbie W. (OBS Facebook Group Leader)
