Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wholly Committed

Wholly Committed – Is God calling you to a deeper level of commitment?
I am currently doing two studies... one through my online bible study group "What Happens When Women Say Yes" and "The Resolution for Women". God is amazing me through the message He is giving me. I even heard the message this past Sunday at church.
God has been questioning where I spend my time, who do I spend it with? Where are my priorities and is God the center of it all? I don't spend my time with too many frivolous things as I don't have time for it...most of my time is dedicated to: Parenthood, being a wife, My job, My church/faith, and friends. It was hard for me to look at these things and figure out where to cut back.
Over the past year not only has God been telling me I am spread too thin but I have had family and friends suggesting I cut back, and not try to be "perfect". So I have re looked at my priorities, and realizing if I don't get to everything and do everything and be with everyone God is OK with that. God is OK as long as I am fully committed to Him and His will for my life.
What is my goal? Is it trying to make others happy, to look good at my job? Or am I committed to God, is my life dedicated to him. I made the choice that God is not a priority he is not on my list but rather God is at the center, I am putting God all throughout. Not just my priorities, but my daily life.I have made the choice to be wholly committed to God. I cant wait to see how God will use me for His good works.


  1. Mindy, love your words and thought here. I think it is okay to try to be everything you can be in your job and your life, as long as you are doing it to the glory of our God. We are so blessed to have you in our Group!! You truly amaze me with your strength and love for the Lord. Continue your faith walk, my friend, because it will take you where you want to go:)

    Blessings )i(

  2. Love your commitment to make God the center of everything you do. It is exciting to serve Him and serve Him well. I have learned, too, that God wants to be the center of everything I do, and especially, He wants to be the center of everything I am. I'm growing in His Grace day by day. Stay focused and #Amazed #PalmsUp #YesToGod.

    P31OBS Small Groups Leader
