Friday, August 2, 2013

Overcoming Fear...

As I prepared for my next Online Bible Study.."Saying YES to God" I first prayed.."Lord let me hear your voice" careful what you pray for! I have heard the Lords voice as I read this book and I am doing my best to say "YES" Lord...but a big part of that is overcoming my fear and anxiety when it comes to change...especially major life change. 
I have been praying for years for an opportunity to move closer to family, especially after having my two sweet girls. But I always felt as if Gods answer was "wait, or not now..". I really felt that answer every time my husband would question why I would ever want to move back, or would list all the reasons why we shouldn't move away from all of the blessings we currently had. My husband's reasoning always made sense, and out of respect for Him I would never have seriously considered moving back since he did not feel it was God's will. However at the begining of this summer everything changed. 
A major change occurred for my husband..his little sister his best friend (other than me of course) got engaged to a wonderful Godly man. My husband has always been very close to his sister to the point where he knew a lot about her and her daily life. Once we moved thousands of miles away their relationship was not as close as it once was. Dont get me wrong they both loved each other and cared deeply but distance can cause division in a relationship, and when his sister got engaged that was the very first time he had met the love of her life. After that Mark gave me his blessing, he said "If you can find a job we can move back!" That is all it took to spur me to action but I knew it wouldnt be easy. 
Our first order of business was to pray...we prayed individually about Gods will for our families life, we prayed together, we asked others to pray for us. And God answered about what direction we should take...
My dream job became available at my former school and I applied and got an interview...that was the first miracle. There were thousands of applicants and out of all of those I was selected for an interview. You would think ok she interviewed and then got a job...oh no again it was not that easy. To make a long story short it was a 5 interview process and after two weeks, tears and a whole lot of prayer I found out I got the job. But to make matters even more complicated I found out this position was only going to be for one we prayed and prayed. And together we decided I should take the job and we as a family are going to trust God and his will for our lives. 
I have been so fearful over this whole process, applying, interviewing, making the huge decision about whether or not to take the job. And then once the decision was made, moving across country and figuring out all the logistics within the matter of a month and a half time! But when it is within God's will he provides..things came together and although there have been many stressful tear filled moments we have been so blessed. 
Now I need to remember that God has a plan for me and through prayer and my faith in God...and the fact that I know God has my back I can get through the any moment that comes my way. These next few months are not going to be easy but I am going to choose to trust in God no matter what. 

1 comment:

  1. You are such a blessing Mindy! What an amazing story! Thank you for blessing us beyond measure during our Cultivating a Heart of Prayer bible study. Can't wait to see how God continues to move in your life. Praying for you and you family tonight.

    Kristi Seat
    P31 OBS Leadership Team
