Thursday, February 20, 2014

Soul filling Satisfaction

 “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9). As I continue on this journey of "Made to Crave" some of my biggest take aways are that my focus and passion needs to be for Jesus. How my cravings, desires, wants, and needs to be to be for Him and not food or material possessions. By doing this I can truly have effective life change.
The promise given in Psalm 107:9 gives me a pace that I don't have to find ways on my own to satisfy my thirst...God will satisfy these needs. He is enough. If I could ask God for one thing I would ask for peace. For so long I have felt that I have a big empty hole that I cannot fill. In the times I have turned to God I have notice a peace that has washed over me. During this adventure God has shown me how he will provide for my every need if I only relay on Him. When I wanted to buy snacks in the store I knew would not be good for me...I prayed and strength was given to resist my temptation. When we went out to eat and I had a choice between a salad or a juicy burger...I prayed and God gave me the strength to make the right choice. To conclude this post I will end with a SOAP...(Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer)
S:“For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9)
O:God fills us with GOOD things...not bad things..not things that will make us fat or unhealthy but Good. God desires us to want this for ourselves and I believe with prayer he will help us change our desires to GOOD things.
A: I need to turn to God to satisfy my every need..not food, or material possessions. I also need to trust that God will meet my needs.
P: Dear Lord help me to turn to you in every moment of every day. You meet my every need and care for me beyond measure. Thank you for your love and guidance. Amen.


  1. You're doing GMG's too? LOVE it Mindy! Amen!

  2. Love this! Thank You for sharing Mindy!

  3. LOVE the SOAP! I will pray for you also. You can do this with God on your side. Thanks for sharing!
    Abby N (Group 12 Leader)
