Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Martha v. Mary

Mary and Martha...I had never really thought about this story in depth until the last few weeks as it has come up multiple times in my online bible study. We have Mary who is enthralled with Jesus and taking in his teaching..Mary who is not concerned about the things going on around her...what happened yesterday, the stresses of the day, or what the future might hold. Her focus is on Jesus..isn't that where every one's focus should be? I have to reflect on that a moment and really ask myself "Where is my focus?" I can state right now it is not always on Jesus or his plan for my life..I let stress and worry and planning take over.   On the other hand we have Martha...who is busy planning and preparing and creating this meal for a KING! The time and thought that Martha must have spent in preparation for their honored guest! How often do I get put out when my husband comes home from  a long day of work to rest. How dare he! I have been home all day trying to take care of two small children and he rests when we have so much stuff to do? Ha...I need to be a bit more like Mary who takes time for what is important.   Instead of being worried about planning this and doing that I need to take time to focus on the truly important things in life. God, my family and friends and my health. I need to take more time to simply just play with my children not worrying about if the laundry is folded and put away, or the dishes cleaned. I need to spend more time with my husband simply enjoying life rather than stressing over finances, and decisions that always need to be made. Most importantly I need to spend more time with God. There can never be too much time with God. Quiet time is essential to my life at this point.   Saying all of this does not mean things don't need to be planned or accomplished at certain times. However the issue arises when it consumes your life as it does mine. I can't truly enjoy all the blessings around me nor do I let those close to me enjoy the blessings of the day either. It is always go here or do this, or we need to be there. My goal in the next week is to find a day to just let go...let everything go and just enjoy the blessings of my life.


  1. What an idea- to take a day just to let it go... and focus on Him. I think I'll try that.. just me and a notebook and my Bible and Him.

  2. I can so relate to not wanting to take the time away from the chores to enjoy the things we should be enjoying! It is so hard when we think of the things that need to be done, but there is only one thing that is truly important. Thanks for sharing!!

    Kris Danko (OBS Small Group Leader)

  3. What beautiful insight. I love hearing what you took away from this and it spoke to my heart too. Thank you for sharing!

    Jennifer Newsom
    OBS Leadership Team

  4. Mindy - same here I never really pondered on Mary and Martha. I read about them, but never dwelled on those verses. Enjoyed your blog and we all need to take a day for Him. Never thought of it like that - yes we do Sundays but really a day for me with Him.

  5. Great post! I think we all think if we can just get the 'Martha' stuff done, then we will be able to focus like 'Mary'... problem is, Martha's job is NEVER done! It just goes on and on... and on and on! I love the idea of taking a day off... just to be. Something I need to think about....
    Kandace (OBS Prayer Team)
