Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Mark and I are so blessed with amazing family. When Evelyn was born my parents and sister were here to help. At the time we were just expecting my parents but my sister came as a total surprise. They arrived on May 18th and we were so excited to see them. We went out to the Yard House at Westgate for dinner that night as my last nice supper before the baby was true that was. Evelyn waited until family was here, I was out of school, and I had an amazing steak dinner to arrive. That night at 1:30AM my water broke...and her arrival into the world began.

When they were here they cleaned my house, brought things to the hospital that we needed, and were great emotional support. It was so nice that they got to see Evelyn in those precious first days. She was held, loved, sang to and formed special bonds during those days. Even now when I cant seem to settle her I will put my mom on the phone and she will sing the same song to her that she sang to her in the hospital and she will quiet down and go to sleep (if only for a few moments).
"Evelyn...Evelyn turn around
Evelyn Evelyn touch the ground
Evelyn Evelyn I love you
Evelyn Evelyn love me too!"

In between visitors we had our Arizona family...(you know who you are!) I cant even begin to say what an amazing support everyone has been. Coming to the house when I couldn't bend over or lift anything. Helping me to the doctor, cleaning, doing and more. Without everyone here I don't know how Mark and I would have ever done it. These same people were a constant stream in my hospital room as we were there for 5 whole days! They too bonded with my little angel and I made sure to put them in her baby books so years down the road I can share with her how loved she was and is.

Next came Marks parents and sister...they came during a very emotional time for me when my hormones were going crazy and everything and anything seemed to make me cry. Not to mention my body was still healing and I was a sleep deprived mess. Yet they loved me all the same. They were such a source of support, comfort and help when it was needed most. They too bonded with Evelyn while she was still so little...she was loved, held, cleaned and so well taken care of. They were there for many of her firsts..time at church, the mall, and more.

Again a few weeks in between where Arizona family came to the rescue..and as I began to heal and recover helped me to feel normal again by inviting us out and being so accepting of the new addition to our family. We have had a blast going to the movies, hanging out at friends homes, and just being together with those we love and care about.

Now Marks grandmother, Aunt Becky and cousin Rebekah (please correct spelling if I made a mistake) have been out and it has been such a great time and adventure. It was amazing how much a 10 year old can help and love a sweet baby girl. It was so neat to see them bond and watch Rebekah care for little Evelyn as her own. She would rock her, change h er, play with her. The boundless energy of youth! It has also been a blessing to see Marks grandmother get to spend quality time with her and love her..her first visit from a great-grandmother. She made her the most beautiful pink blanket that Evelyn will love and cherish. We had great times together from our first fathers day (when we had a swim party) to going to our first aquarium visit.

What great times we have had with friends and family. We look forward to all the time we will spend together in the future!

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